Lost Love


Newly Wed Outfits;

Mecânica de bosses futuros.



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15 minutos

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1 +




Um casal apaixonado é separado pela morte do Rei Tratus em 1283, após o início da guerra contra Sakar em 1280. Saerus faz uma promessa de vingança pelo seu reino, e junto com seu irmão o Pin, se alistam e partem para a guerra. Antes de partir, ele faz juras de amor pela sua amada Emma e diz que quando voltar, tem algo para dar para ela. Juntos, Saerus e Pin lutaram várias batalhas.

Porém o destino não sorriu para o jovem apaixonado, 2 anos após o início da guerra, ele e o seu batalhão não voltaram de uma expedição rotineira. Ninguém encontrou nenhum resquício de seus corpos, eles simplesmente desapareceram.

Emma e Pin ficaram desolados, Pin acreditava na força do seu irmão, e Emma no amor dos dois.

Agora, Emma busca saber exatamente o que aconteceu com Saerus, e o que ele tinha para dar para ela. Ela quer continuar sua vida sem questionamentos do que poderiam viver juntos. E você pode ajudá-la.


Essa quest se inicia falando com a NPC Emma localizada em Dimwell, ao norte de Aurath:

Para chegar em Dimwell siga da saída da esquerda da cidade e vá para o norte, de acordo com o mini mapa abaixo:

Ao chegar, subir a escada e logo depois pro primeiro andar da primeira casa que ira encontrar a NPC EMMA.

Assim que a encontrar fale com ela que ela te dará a missão para ajudar a encontrar seu amor. Inicie a conversa com ela da seguinte forma para iniciar a missão:

Player: Hi

Emma: (Sniff) Hi, what do you seek, stranger? I’m seeking answers... Can you {help} me?

Player: Help

Emma: I’m just a heartbroken woman. I have nothing special for great Warriors. But for newcomers, I have something that might help you. If you help me find the {answers} I need.

Player: Answers

Emma: My dear Saerus disappeared a few years ago. We were young and deep in love, but King Tratus' death spurred him to defend our kingdom, so he left for the army and never came back. Before leaving, we were in my garden and he said that when we met again, he had something for me, but to this day I don't know what it was! Can you help me find out what happened to my husband and what he had for me? I hope it will be an easy {mission}.

Player: Mission

Emma: Great! You can begin talking to his brother, Pin. I never had the courage to talk to him again after my love died. How could I face him? He left Saerus alone on an expedition! I hate him! He should have stayed with his brother! Who does that? Sorry... I got angry. Nowadays he left the army and is commercializing weapons and equipment for explorers. You can find him near Aurath's depot. As far as I heard, he was the last one that saw Saerus. Ask him about my love.

Após você deve se dirigir até o NPC Pin, que é irmão de Saerus. Você precisa saber se ele tem alguma notícia de seu irmão. O NPC Pin é o armeiro de Aurath e compra os loots ao lado perto do depot.

Ao chegar nele pergunte sobre Saerus.

Player: Hi

Pin: Ah, a customer! Be greeted, Player!

Player: Saerus

Pin: I thought you were a customer... How did you hear about my brother? It was so long ago... I bet it was his old girlfriend, {Emma}.

Player: Emma

Pin: I knew it... She has a grudge with me! Every week she sends someone to talk to me about my brother. It seems that she forgot, but I also lost my brother that day. They were young and in love. I guess that’s what grief does to people, makes them frustrated and sad. I was like that too for a while, but as the years went by, I found a place for my heart here, trading goods. I guess you want to hear about my brother's last {expedition}, ain't it?

Player: Expedition

Pin: Whatever Emma told you about it, is not entirely true. I’m going to tell you what I know about that night. Earlier, Saerus and I were talking in the barracks, it was his turn to make the expedition to protect the kingdom. He was excited to win the war soon and get back into Emma's arms, he talked about it all the time. It was common for us to go on separate expeditions, we weren't generals in the army, we didn't decide what to do, we just followed orders! That night I had to take care of the arsenal, and he had to take care of the expedition. I asked him to be careful, and he told me it was okay, they were only going to the old banshee-haunted ruins northwest of the city, and Sakar didn’t attack there in a long time. In the end, apparently they were attacked, no one found any record of fights or deaths among my brother's expedition. That's all I know about my brother's last moments.

Nesse momento você descobre que a última expedição de Saerus foi ao noroeste num local com banshees. Então você deve se dirigir ate a cave de hero que tem banshee no sub-solo (Homecoming Boots Quest). Utilize skill exani hur "up" para chegar subir de andar e alcançar o baú.

Ao abri-lo, você recebe uma old letter.

Essa é uma carta de Saerus para Emma.

Carta: To my dear Emma,

I kept this letter for you with me, I take it everywhere while I'm in the army in case anyone finds my body.

That's right, if you're reading this letter, I believe I'm already dead.

This is my farewell, or rather our farewell.

The farewell of a love that lasted forever in my mind, that even though it is interrupted by war, lives forever in our hearts.

In the army I discovered terrible things, the death of our King Tratus was just the beginning of the empire of terror that Sakar seeks to plant in our lands. His plans are more wicked than you can imagine, but I can't leave that on record here.

I fight for you to live in peace and happiness. I want you to have the indefinite pleasure of seeing life spring from the earth, the taste of fresh honey and the smell of rose bushes that you love so much, and that's why I kept fighting for so long.

I ask you to try to live your life, not to mourn forever, because our love already was forever.

Be happy, forever.

From your eternal love,


Ps.: I left you a proof of my eternal love under the straw of that abandoned cart, near the mill, where we used to date until dawn.

Além da história, ele revela que deixou uma prova do amor eterno para Emma debaixo da palha de uma carroça abandonada onde eles namoravam ate de madrugada. Para chegar nesse lugar, basta ir para o norte de Dimwell.

Encontrando o anel:

Depois de encontrar o anel leve-o de volta para Emma.

Player: Hi

Emma: (Sniff) Hi, what do you seek, stranger? I’m seeking answers... Can you {help} me?

Player: Yes

Emma: Do you have something from my love for me? What is it?

Player: Yes

Emma: I don’t believe it! After so many years! He left this ring for me before he joined the army. Was it near the old mill where we used to meet? My Saerus was a unique man indeed. Thank you so much, over the war I lost my house, neighbours, king, boyfriend, even my parents. But now I know I didn’t lose love. I won't forget you! Here's an award for the work you went into finding that old ring. As a reward, take this wedding outfit so you can find the love of your life!

Com isso você terminou a quest e ganhou seu Newly Wed Outfits.

Mas não pense que termina por aqui, essa quest é muito importante para um boss futuro!

Last updated