Path of Herbalism


Acesso ao trade do NPC Gremist;

Acesso ao craft de poções interdimencionais.



Castelo de elfos de fogo.

Você enfrentará

Monstros de level 500, elfos de fogo.


Thunder God e mini bosses

Level recomendado






3 horas

Grupo recomendado

2 +


O druida e almiquista de Dimwell sempre foi um pouco solitário, não gosta muito de contatos e tem poucas relações. Porém ele vê que está ficando velho e precisa passar seu conhecimento para frente. Ele nunca quis um pupilo, mas é hora de treinar um, e quem sabe, durante a jornada, ajudá-lo a resgatar um relacionamento importante para ele.


Primeiro, encontre o NPC Gremist no rochedo em que ele se encontra. Ele está no rochedo da praia de Dimwell.

Ao encontrá-lo, peça para ele ensinar o que sabe para você.

Player: Teach
Gremist: Is that so? Don't make me laugh. I've devoted my life to the path of herbalism, son. Literally. Spent countless days and nights with nothing but potions, mushrooms and choking on fumes. For me to teach you what I know, you have to be dedicated. Only after that will you know how to use the strength that herbalism brings to you. Are you ready to do this?
Player: Yes
Gremist: You need to prove your dedication and talent in 3 missions, one more difficult than the other. Are you ready?
Player: Yes
Gremist: The first step on the Path of Herbalism will be easy. I need to make a vial of mushroom distillate, and I'm out of mushrooms. Gather 5 dark mushrooms, 5 wood mushrooms, 5 fire mushrooms, 5 green mushrooms, 5 red mushrooms, 5 white mushrooms and 5 brown mushtrooms. When you have them all, click on the machine on the side. You have a 50% chance of getting the vial of mushroom distillate, {report} it to me when you get it.

Assim você começa a primeira missão do caminho do herbalismo.

Mission 1: Mushroom Distillate

Ele pede que você prove seu valor como herbalista, por isso você deve dar o primeiro passo nesse caminho.

Você deve preparar um destilado de cogumelos, você deve conseguir 5 cogumelos de cada tipo, veja onde dropam cada um deles na tibia wiki.

Dica: O npc Felmei em Thartak, vende os mushrooms.

É recomendado dropar 15 de cada, visto que há 50% de chance de falha.

Ao conseguir os cogumelos, clique no caldeirão no andar de cima do NPC. Com sorte, você terá em mãos o Mushroom Distillate para entregar ao Gremist.

Player: Report
Gremist: Faster than expected for a beginner. Now I can sell you some potions. Ready for the next {mission}?

Agora você tem acesso ao trade de poções do Gremist.

Mission 2: Make it Rain

Player: Yes
Gremist: Your second step on the Path of Herbalism is to learn how to make rain. After all, every plant needs to grow. I could teach you that, but I want you to learn from my brother Grimest. You know, it doesn't look like it, but sometimes I can get a little grumpy. Last month I was a little hard on him, told him to straighten up so he has some future, you know, big brother stuff. But since then, he hasn't talked to me. He's usually on a mountain north of here, across the river. Find him, learn to rain and convince him to talk to me again. {Report} to me when you're done.

No segundo passo para virar um herbalista você deve aprender a fazer a chuva.

Ele pede para que você aprenda a fazer isso com o irmão dele, Grimest. Ele também pede que você ajude o relacionamento deles, pois seu irmão está sem falar com ele há mais de um mês.

Você pode encontrar o NPC Grimest na montanha ao norte de Dimwell, próxima à entrada da livraria e à esquerda do teleport de warlocks. Fale com ele.

Player: How to make rain
Grimest: This is interesting! How did you know I can make it rain? Who sent you here?
Player: Gremist
Grimest: Ah, he sent you here. I see. Sorry, I can't help you. I don't want anything else with him. He doesn't understand that I like the simple things in life. Do you understand me?
Player: Yes
Grimest: Really? If you say so, I believe you. I'll wonder if I'm going to teach you how to rain while I think, why don't we share a beer? I love Denton's beer at the Hard Rock Tavern Bar. I haven't had it since I left Dimwell last month. Bring two of his {beers} for me while I think.

Você deve trazer uma bottle of whisper beer do Hard Rock Tavern Bar, ela é 200k e você pode comprar com antecedência.

Player: Beers
Grimest: Wow! This is my favorite. HICKS! Things are already glowing brighter! That's a good one... Thanks for this moment, you're cooler than I imagined. I will teach you how to make it rain. Pay close attention to the movement of my arms and legs. I will channel my chakra to the clouds. However, when this happens, many demons appear wanting to devour my chakra. You must take care of me for 5 minutes, that’ll be enought. Don’t let me die, ok? Are you ready to make it {rain}? I'll take you with me to a safe place where nothing happens to my bears.
Player: Rain

Grimest explica que você deve protegê-lo enquanto ele faz o ritual, pois monstros vão aparecer para devorar o chakra imenso dele. Você será teleportado para um local diferente.

A batalha vai durar 5 minutos, e caso o NPC morra, você perderá e só poderá repetir em 20 horas, pois Grimest estará muito fraco.

Após matar o boss, saia pelo teleport do norte e fale novamente com o Grimest.

Player: Mission
Grimest: That was cool, wasn't it? I believe that by seeing my movements you now know how to make it rain. Do you need anything else from me? Consider talking to my brother? Well, maybe you're not wrong. He sent a nice guy like you to learn from me, maybe he's different, I'll send him a letter right now. Your job with me is finished.

Depois desse momento bem sucedido, ele diz que vai mandar uma carta para seu irmão. Ao observar os movimentos dele, você aprender a sumonar a chuva. Volte para Gremist e reporte para ele.

Player: Report
Gremist: Great! Thank you very much, my brother has already sent me a letter. How many demons went after him? I imagine it wasn't so easy. My little brother is quite powerful, so he attracts more monsters than usual when he makes it rain. It's one of the reasons I'm hard on him, with his strength, who knows what he can achieve? Are you ready for your next {mission}?

Agora você está quase se tornando um herbalista.

Mission 3: True Herbalist

Player: Mission
Gremist: Your third and final step as a pupil on the path of herbalism is to collect 15 Griffinclaw essences from Insane Syren's castle. It is a difficult task, which you must be very careful about. They are many, and strong. As you are still learning, I believe you have a 50% chance of failing when trying to collect them. {Report} to me when you're done.

Agora você deve coletar 15 essências de Griffinclaw, você pode encontrar 3 delas no castelo dos Insane Syrens, então você precisará matar 200 antes no castelo dos elfos de fogo para ter acesso.

Para a Griffinclaw florescer, você precisa matar 15 elfos de fogo ao lado dela.

Você deve clicar nas flores quando elas estiverem florescendo (Blooming Griffinclaw), e você tem 50% de chance de coletar a essência dela.

Depois de clicar, você deve lurar mais elfos de fogo e matar ao lado dela.

Ao conseguir todas as flores você recebe a seguinte mensagem: "You collected the flower intact, like a true herbalist! 15/15"

Agora você deve voltar para Gremist e reportar a missão.

Player: Report
Gremist: You are a true herbalist now! Do you want to evolve your herbalist level to create powerful potions? You will be able to produce stronger potions with stronger effects.

Agora você pode fazer poções de herbalistas, que do nível 1 ao 10 dão bônus diferentes.

Basta clicar no caldeirão no andar superior da casa do Gremist que você saberá quais os ingredientes necessários para sua próxima poção.

Após terminar cada poção, fale "Hi, potions, advance" com o Gremist.




1 swampling moss

30 tortoise egg

30 minotaur leather

30 cyclops toe

30 red dragon leather

Skills +1; Fishing +1;

Fist +1.

Distance +1;

Fishing +1;

Fist +1.

ML +1;

Fishing +1;

Fist +1.



1 rorc egg

30 piece of hellfire armor

30 scroll of heroic deeds

30 bunch of ripe rice

30 skull of Ratha

Skills +1; Fishing +2

Fist +1.

Distance +1;

Fishing +2;

Fist +1.

ML +1;

Fishing +2;

Fist +1.



1 green energy ball (Drop do boss da chuva Eletrical Dym)

30 golden lotus brooch

30 red rose

30 half-eaten brain

30 soul orb

Skills +2; Fishing +2;

Fist +1.

Distance +2;

ML +1;

Fishing +2;

Fist +1.

ML +2;

Fishing +2;

Fist +1.



1 mandrake

30 snake skin

30 compass

30 silencer resonating chamber

30 silver brooch

Skills +2; Fishing +3;

Fist +2.

Distance +2;

ML +1;

Fishing +3;

Fist +2.

ML +2;

Fishing +3;

Fist +2.



1 panther head

30 fish tail

30 quara tentacle

30 talon

30 blazing bone

Skills +3; Fishing +3;

Fist +2.

Distance +3; ML +1;

Fishing +3;

Fist +2.

ML +3;

Fishing +3;

Fist +2.



1 giant crab pincer

30 hellspawn tail

30 mantassin tail

30 sparkion claw

30 gauze bandage

Skills +3; Fishing +4;

Fist +2.

Distance +3; ML +1;

Fishing +4;

Fist +2.

ML +3;

Fishing +4;

Fist +2.



1 yellow energy ball

30 hardened bone

30 quara pincers

30 lion's mane 30 violet crystal shard

Skills +4; Fishing +4;

Fist +2.

Distance +4; ML +1;

Fishing +4;

Fist +2.

ML +4;

Fishing +4;

Fist +2.



1 draptor scales

30 frazzle tongue

30 rhino hide

30 enchanted chicken wing

30 battle stone

Skills +4; Fishing +5;

Fist +3.

Distance +4; ML +2;

Fishing +5;

Fist +3.

ML +4;

Fishing +5;

Fist +3.



1 panther paw

30 broken helmet

30 quara bone

30 hydra head

30 fiery heart

Skills +5; Fishing +5;

Fist +3.

Distance +5; ML +2;

Fishing +5;

Fist +3.

ML +5;

Fishing +5;

Fist +3.



1 red energy ball

30 frazzle skin

30 energy vein

30 essence of a bad dream

30 cyan crystal fragment

Skills +6; Fishing +7;

Fist +3.

Distance +6; ML +2;

Fishing +7;

Fist +3.

ML +5;

Fishing +7;

Fist +5.

Os efeitos das poções duram 30 minutos

Last updated