Shrimp Company


Breezy Garb Addons;

Mechanical Rod.


Centro de Aurath

Castelo do Rei

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Level recomendado






2 horas

Grupo recomendado

1 +


Lerman Bump e seu amigo Gubba adoravam pescar camarão. Para isso, eles costumavam viajar em busca do local ideal, um local em que grandes camarões poderiam ser encontrados com frequência.

Gubba ouviu histórias de uma pequena praia ao norte de Aurath, e decidiu ver com os próprios olhos. Ao alcançar a praia, viu que era verdade. O melhor mar para pescar camarões que ele já viu! Ele correu para avisar seu amigo, escreveu uma carta para ele e a enviou.

Quando fazia as malas para se encontrar com seu amigo, o assentamento de Dimwell foi atacado pelas tropas de Sakar, não deixando ninguém vivo.

Em honra pela história criada com seu falecido amigo, Lerman Bump continua a pescar em paz, na prainha de Dimwell, banhada por um mar calmo e cheio de camarões.

Mas o desenvolvimento de Aurath está no caminho da rotina de Lerman Bump. A poluição crescente por conta do despejo de esgoto está tornando a água ácida, matando os sensíveis camarões.

Você deve ajudar Lerman Bump a manter o legado da amizade dele e de Gubba vivo, ao contribuir para a limpeza do rio.


Você pode encontrar o NPC Lerman Bump na prainha de Dimwell. Fale com ele para aprender um pouco sobre a habilidade de fishing.

Player: Hi

Lerman Bump: Hey weirdo, whatcha doing here? Wanna go {fishing} with me?

Player: Fishing

Lerman Bump: Fishing is an art, you know? When we cast our luck at the sea, it gives back to us. Did you know that you can increase your luck killing monsters by increasing your fishing skill? With the skill of fishing 110, you increase your loot by 25%. Amazing, isn't it? With even {better rods}, you can go even further.

Player: Better rods

Lerman Bump: In addition to the traditional rods, you can use {mechanical fishing rods}, which facilitate the development of your fishing skill.

Player: Mechanical fishing rods

Lerman Bump: They are rare, you don't find them on any street corner, you know? I could get you one, but first, I could use your help with a {mission}.

Player: Mission

Lerman Bump: My old friend Gubba and I used to fish the mainland for the best and biggest shrimp, and this was the perfect place that we could never fish together. I still fish here in his memory, and it's a great place to fill a shrimp boat. But Aurath's sewage pollution is driving shrimp away from those waters. Do you think you can help me?

Player: Yes

Lerman Bump: Great! The best place to start is by talking to Kegroll The Wise. He knows what goes on in the city administration. Ask him about the increasing {pollution}, he might help us. He is a good soul, although he suspects that anyone could be a Sakar's minion, so you might have to earn his trust first. When you’re done, {report} back to me.

Lerman Bump lhe explicou que os camarões da praia estão morrendo por conta da poluição de Aurath, e agora ele não consegue mais pescar no local que pescava com seu amigo Gubba. Você deve começar falando com Kegroll The Wise para entender o que está acontecendo.

Se você não fez a Tales of Aurath: Lost Spices, não conseguirá falar com Kegroll sobre esse assunto.

Player: Pollution
Kegroll The Wise: I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, a fisherman complained about the shrimp in the river? Strange, the city has some standard rules to protect the river. The sewage from homes is treated, from magic and weapons industries as well. But it's been a while since we made a routine visit to the stores. Can you make this work for me?
Player: Yes
Kegroll The Wise: Excellent! Talk to traders in the order you prefer, just remember to tell traders that it is a {standard visit of environmental regulations} and that you are under my orders. They shall present to you the new license B68 which controls the chemicals they can release into the sewers, the old license B62 has been phased out because some of the items were too acidic, this license is no longer useful. Then come back to me and {report} if everything is alright. Ok?

O Kegroll pede para você ser um agente do reino de Aurath ao checar se as lojas da cidade tem a nova permissão de funcionamento B68.

Agora você deve falar "Standard visit of environmental regulations" com os NPC's das lojas para descobrir qual está com a licença desatualizada.

Você deve começar pelo Tommy, o taverneiro de Aurath.

Player: Standard visit of environmental regulations
Tommy: I make my beer with just water, hops and malt! Here it is, our B68 license you are looking for.

Agora fale com Vagus, o NPC de armas distance.

Player: Standard visit of environmental regulations
Vagus: What do you want? Charge more taxes, maybe you want to fine me? Aurath's leeches never stop bugging us. Even nature I have to take care of now! I just wanted to create good distance weapons, you know? But I have to switch to other materials on your account. Look at my expensive B68 license here, don't bother me anymore!

Ele reclama dos impostos de Aurath e está tudo certo com ele. Agora você deve falar com o vendedor de loot Pin.

Player: Standard visit of environmental regulations
Pin: Sure, buddy, here's my B68 license.

Também está tudo certo com o documento do Pin, agora você deve falar com a dona da loja de poções, Cinnabar Nox.

Player: Standard visit of environmental regulations
Cinnabar Nox: Humph, do you know what are you asking me?
Player: Yes
Cinnabar Nox: Would you please stop bothering me?
Player: No
Cinnabar Nox: Here's license B68, you brat! I need to go back to making a potion for my hair now. Go!

Como ela é uma nobre de Aurath, ela foi esnobe com você.

Agora você deve falar com Gorn, o NPC de ferramentas.

Player: Standard visit of environmental regulations

Gorn: W-Welcome government agent! Feel at home, right? What are you needing? The environmental license?

Player: Yes

Gorn: Great! I'll get it for you, okay? Sit while you wait, or not, stand up, I have no seats… Are you sure you need this license?

Player: Yes

Gorn: And can't we do anything about it?

Player: No

Gorn: Alright... Here it is, my B62 license. I know it's not the newest but I didn't have enough money to update it, am I in trouble?

Player: Yes

Gorn: I'm sorry, it wasn't out of ill intention, it was out of necessity. What I sell most are worms, and the profit is very low. Please, don’t fine me. I will be better.

Você descobriu quem era o NPC sem a licença ambiental. Ele não trocou seus filtros da loja porque é pobre. Você deve reportar para Kegroll The Wise.

Player: Report
Kegroll The Wise: So Gorn was the culprit? I see... Out of necessity? I imagine... These new adventurers like you only want to know about worms, and nothing else, after all, improving loot is very important, isn't it? I'm not going to fine him now, he can't pay. Let's help you make the newest {sewage filter}. Since you are part of the problem, help me with this. When you’re done, {report} back to me, understood?

Kegroll diz que não vai multar Gorn, mas pede sua ajuda para ajudar a fazer um novo filtro para a indústria de ferramentas de Gorn. Você deve ajudá-lo a fazer para obter a nova licença B68.

Player: Sewage Filter
Gorn: Did Kegroll send you to help me make one? Wow! I was moved by this attitude, not least they call him The Wise Man. Well, it's not an easy task. We are going to need some materials, can you collect them for me? I need to stay at the counter to attend to the fishermen who come to me.
Player: Yes
Gorn: Then bring me 10 stone wings, 5 dead weights, 2 pieces of hell steel, 5 warmaster’s wristguards and 1.000 assassin stars. When you are ready, bring me these {materials}.
Reuna os materiais e reporte para Gorn.
Player: Materials
Gorn: Thanks, now wait 30 minutes while I finish the {filter}.
O Gorn precisa de 30 minutos para terminar o filtro, espere e volte para ele.
Player: Filter
Gorn: The filter is done. Thank you! However, it is not functional yet. We need chemicals that neutralize acidic liquids, but they are very expensive! Maybe you can get something cheaper from Gremist, Druid of Dimwell. But don't fall for his absurd prices! He always tries to make the most of the first offer. When you have the {chemicals}, talk to me again.

O filtro está pronto, mas ele não é funcional ainda. Você deve conseguir produtos químicos com Gremist, o druida e alquimista de Dimwell, para consegui-los.

Gremist fica no rochedo ao nordeste da praia de Lerman Bump.

Caso você não tenha a quest Tales of Aurath: Path of Herbalism, não conseguirá dar continuidade na quest.

Fale com Gremist sobre os químicos que Gorn está precisando.

Player: Chemicals
Gremist: In addition to being a herbalist, I am also an alchemist. But be quick, before I get you out of my sight. Who sent you?
Player: Gorn
Gremist: Ah! It could only be him. From time to time, he sends someone to come and abuse our friendship, but well, what can we do? I like that bastard. Is the chemical to neutralize the acidity of the tool shop sewage? Okay... I will need to make a strong potion for this. I can {help} you.
Player: Help

Aqui você tem duas opções, pagar 10kk para terminar rapidamente ou reunir um ingrediente faltando para Gremist.

Caso você pague os 10kk:

Gremist: But you know, these things don't fall from the sky ready to go. Even worse when we’re talking about industrial chemicals. Well, do you accept the symbolic value of 10,000,000 gold coins?
Player: Yes
Gremist: It was GREAT doing business with you! Here is your potion.

Caso não pague os 10kk:

Gremist: Did you find it a little expensive? Times are really tough for the poorest... I can make a discount for you, but I'll need your help to get a rare ingredient, so I'll charge the modicum amount of 1,000,000 gold coins, but I don't charge less than that! Is that okay with you?
Player: Yes
Gremist: Grumph, then get a hydra tongue from Wischard. He has an impressive array of things, I bet he can get one of those for you. When you do, bring the {hydra tongue} back to me.

Se seguiu a segunda opção, deve ir falar com o NPC Mercador, Wischard. Você só conseguirá comprar a hydra tongue com antecedência se fizer a quest Tales of Aurath: Lost Spices.

O preço da Hydra Tongue é de 5kk.

Player: Hydra Tongue
Wischard: A rare ingredient! Good, I'll be able to charge more, whoops, I mean, I'll be able to help you. A Gremist client? Even better! This ingredient will be 5,000,000 gold coins, please.
Player: Yes
Wischard: WOW! SERIOUSLY? YOU ARE CRA… I mean, here's your hydra tongue.

Agora volte com o ingrediente e entregue-o com 1kk para o Gremist.

Player: Hydra Tongue
Gremist: Here it is, your potion with strength to neutralize industrial acidic liquids from the tool shop. That's 1,000,000 gold coins, now get out.

Agora você deve levar a poção para Gorn.

Player: Chemicals
Gorn: Thank you very much my friend, I will add it to the new filter and put it to work. In 15 minutes I will be back with the new {B68 license}.
Cobre a licença B68 de Gorn após 15 minutos.
Player: B68 license
Gorn: Here it is, the much desired B68 license. Tell Kegroll it's all right now.

Agora Gorn atualizou sua licença, você deve voltar para Kegroll e reportar a missão para ele.

Player: Report
Kegroll The Wise: Excellent work, young adventurer. I'm glad Gorn got away with it without a fine and with a new friend. My confidence in you for the work done to the realm of Aurath grows even more. Talk to your fisherman friend and tell him that everything is fine now, the shrimp should soon return to our river waters.

Kegroll diz que agora os camarões devem voltar para o rio, visto que não há mais poluição entrando nele.

Você deve voltar para Lerman Bump e reportar a missão para ele.

Player: Report
Lerman Bump: I don’t have words for what you’ve done to me. You made me feel like life is a box of chocolates. I’ll fill my boat with shrimp now! Maybe I can even open a Shrimp Company… I’ll call it the Gubba Bump Shrimp Company! Thank you, take this fishing rod and a true fisherman outfit.

Com o fim da missão, você recebeu o Breezy Garb Outfits e uma mechanical rod que facilita o desenvolvimento da skill de fishing em 50% e permite você pescar até 50 mechanical fishes por dia, que podem ser vendidos por 10k cada.

Last updated