Unbreakable Defense


Jester Outfits;

Item principal de craft da 1ª armadura da vocação do player.


Centro de Aurath

Castelo do Rei

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Level recomendado






3 horas

Grupo recomendado

1 +



Atualmente, em 1342, o reino de Aurath está em paz. Mas o mestre ferreiro, Glóin, está desconfiado. Desde a morte do Rei Galliel, seu joelho arde cada vez mais, uma dor crônica, esquecida desde o fim da guerra contra Sakar em 1306. Mas que como um martelo, o impede de esquecer o quão assombroso foi a força do exército de Sakar.

A dor crônica de Glóin pode ser apenas resultado da velhice, mas o medo de um velho traumatizado pela guerra o motiva a ir além do que o seu amado rei Gallien havia imaginado. Ele desconfiava que apenas reativar o plano do antigo rei Gallien para forjar uma arma invencível não é o suficiente.

Armas são importantes, sim, mas a cicatriz deixada no ataque a Dimwell não pode ser facilmente esquecida. Um grande vilarejo de Aurath foi massacrado e levado às ruínas em uma noite. As forças de Sakar tinham poder destrutivo de um titã, e isso precisava ser parado.

Agora ele não tinha uma pessoa habilidosa como Khedri para ajudá-lo a reunir materiais lendários, então uma armadura suprema não é viável. O que ele precisa é fazer o que ele faz de melhor, criar armaduras de guerra para guerreiros corajosos.

Assim, ele pode formar uma força descentralizada, que jura lealdade aos ideais de Gallien de honra sobre violência, companheirismo sobre poder e conhecimento sobre intemperança, que foram abandonados por Aurath desde sua morte.


Para começar a quest, você deve se dirigir ao Glóin, como na quest Holy Blade.

Com a Holy Blade finalizada, você liberou o diálogo da defesa.

Player: Defense

Glóin: Hello my friend! I always like to think that the best offense is a good defense! The kingdom of Aurath has a serious problem with defense. Historically our kings preferred to make big weapons over big armors... Unfortunately this cost the village of Dimwell dearly, which had no way of protecting itself as it could not use its weapons in an attack. Anyway, now I want to do it differently. I can't create a super shield for the city, but I can create an army of people who are committed to the {ideals} that made our kingdom glorious, and who are also well protected.

Player: Ideals

Glóin: The ideals created and spread by King Gallien of honor over violence, alliances over power and wisdom over intemperance allowed our kingdom to grow like never before. We were strong, respected and rich. Now what are we? The war against Sakar destroyed us, and I'm not sure those ideals are still sowed by the kingdom's nobles. Other ideals have sprung up and poisoned us, and I wanted to know who is spreading them. Can you help me with this?

Player: Yes

Glóin: Good news, finally! Well, first we have to find out who it is that is poisoning King Gallien's ideals. I believe Kegroll is trustworthy, he is the city counselor and was a great partner in the war against Sakar. Ask him about {Gallien's poisoned ideals}. You can find him in Aurath’ temple. {Report} to me when you’re done.

Glóin contou para você que desde que os ideais do Rei Gallien foram abandonados, Aurath está em decadência, mas ele não sabe quem envenenou esse ideais. Por isso ele te pede para investigar quem está por trás disso. Primeiro, você deve falar com Kegroll The Wise no templo de Aurath.

Player: Gallien's poisoned ideals

Kegroll The Wise: Interesting what you're telling me. It is true that Aurath has been on the wane in recent years, but I thought it was for other reasons. Perhaps Glóin is right, I guess I am not so wise after all. I believe it will be difficult to know who is poisoning the great ideals that brought Aurath to its glory, the city's nobility is quite reclusive. You’ll only be able to talk to one noble, Cinnabar Nox, she is the saleswoman at the potion shop. Strange, huh? But it's a family business that allowed her family to buy their nobility years ago, so it's her inheritance. Try to be discreet, before asking her about {Gallien’s ideals}, start a conversation with her, maybe ask what’s her {favorite potion}.

Ele diz que apenas os nobres da cidade tem essa informação, e que eles são reclusos. Você tem acesso à apenas uma nobre, que é a vendedora da loja de potions Cinnabar Nox.

Player: Favorite Potion

Cinnabar Nox: No one has ever asked me this before... Thank you! Although I don't like much human contact, I see the sale of potions as a way to spread my passion for them, also it is a very profitable family business. Well, I believe my favorite potion is the love potion. She is extremely powerful and was created by my family a few generations ago. It is so powerful that King Tratus banned its sale. It's also very difficult to make, I've never made one myself, but I wanted to! Maybe you could {help} me?

Player: Yes

Cinnabar Nox: Great. This potion needs several ingredients, it takes several hours to gather them all. But don't worry, I already have them all, only one is missing. I need you to bring me 200 fish fins. When you're done, {report} back to me and we'll talk about your reward.

Player — Entregou os 200 fish fins com o "Report"

Cinnabar Nox: I will start the potion, it will be ready in 24 hours. Come back when is ready. If I was you, I would immediatly go to Elfs on north and try to drop a empty elven vial. You will needed it in the future.

Agora você deve esperar 24 horas para receber a poção do amor de Cinnabar Nox. Enquanto isso, você pode dropar um empty elven vial no respawn dos elfos de fogo.

Player: Report
Cinnabar Nox: Here is your the greatest love potion ever made. I will need a last favor from you, can you help me?
Player: Yes
Player: Mission
Cinnabar Nox: Thanks! Could you please use this potion on my love Delyus? Since he lost his job as a clown, he has been so depressed. We had a fight last week and he simply doesn't love me anymore. I would say you can find him at any random bar, between here and Thartak. After finding him, use the empty elven vial on the love potion, extract a little of your essence and use it on him. It will bring back his happiness and bring him back to me.

Ela pediu para você usar o empty elven vial na poção do amor e depois usar em Delyus, o amor dela.

Ele está em um dos 4 bares do Molten (Aurath, Dimwell, Nabosh e Thartak).

Após usar o elven vial com a poção do amor em Delyus, você receberá o Jester Staff, primeiro item do Jester Outfits.

Agora basta voltar na Cinnabar Nox e reportar a missão.

Player: Report
Cinnabar Nox: You brought my dear love back! You can keep the potion as a reward, i won't need it anymore.
Player: Gallien's ideals
Cinnabar Nox: I don't usually discuss kingdom affairs with anyone, but I don't think this topic is sensitive. Many years ago, when King Talantes took over the throne, he was quick to gather the nobility and set some guidelines for Aurath to achieve his glory again. The King himself told me to forget Gallien's ideals, and move forward with the new ones he had brought. Strength over wisdom, revenge over honor and money over alliances. Is that what you would like to know? You commoners are curious.

Agora você descobriu que quem envenenou os ideais de Gallien para a nobreza foi o próprio rei de Aurath.

Você deve reportar isso para Glóin.

Player: Report

Glóin: Did you finish the mission? Great! So tell me. Who is contaminating Gallien's ideals?

Player: King Talantes

Glóin: Are you sure? God help us! I had no idea that Aurath's problems came from the King. I had my suspicions when he refused to help me gather the stolen raw materials to make the holy blade. Glad I have you by my side. But I want you to speak directly to the king. I want to know his intentions from his lips. Whether it's just a silly mistake or the evil intention of a corrupt. This mission is longer than I thought, but you will be rewarded. Shall we continue it?

Player: Yes

Glóin: Pay close attention. This is the most dangerous mission I've ever given you. If you miss any lines, you will be killed by the king's guards. Last night the king made a feast with the nobles. When that happens, he still is a little drunk the next morning, which is today. This is your opportunity to extract information from him, but don't blow your cover! Today the king is waiting for a jester so no one notices that he has a hangover, but I'll make sure he never arrives and you take his place. Here's your jester outfit, wear it to meet the king, otherwise he won't talk to you. If you take it out before the end of the mission, you die. If you say something suspicious, you die. Do you understand?

Player: Yes

Glóin: Take this hat to complete your outfit. The jester show always follows a script, if you change it, the guards will get suspicious and kill you. First, you must introduce yourself, tell him you’re the {jester} for today’s show. Then you start with a {joke}, followed by a {backflip}. After that, you {sing} a song. To end the show, you must do a {dance} and end it with another {dirty joke}. If he says he likes your show maybe he'll answer your question about {Gallien's ideals}. You got it? Don't miss the order! Here's your jester outfit, go and find out the {king's ideals}. One more thing: The King is paranoic. Everytime he is changing the crew color's outfit. Remember to change it to the specific color of the day or your disguise will fall. To know the correct color, use the same outfit as the guards and ask them about the color of the day

Glóin quer descobrir as verdadeiras intenções do rei antes de fazer algo, por isso, ele precisa que você seja um espião infiltrado na corte do rei.

Agora você recebeu o item final do Jester Outfits, mas apenas deve finalizar a missão após completar o outfit no comando !addons. Você ainda precisa vai se fingir de bobo da corte para ter informações privilegiadas.

Contudo, o rei é neurótico e troca a cor da sua equipe constantemente. É preciso vestir a exata mesma cor dos seus seguranças para evitar a morte.

Para checar a cor é fácil.

  1. Coloque o Knight Outfits

  2. Pergunte para qualquer guarda "color of the day"

  3. Ele vai dizer se sua cor está certa ou não, e qual está errada.

  4. Tente até acertar todas as cores.

Player: Color of the day
King's Guard: You are perfect! Let's back go work!
Troque a cor até aparecer essa mensagem.

Quando acertar a cor, coloque o outfit do jester e vá até o rei.

Muito cuidado nessa parte, qualquer erro nas cores ou no diálogo irá matar você, independente do seu nível.

Glóin lhe entregou anteriormente a ordem correta do diálogo.

Não retire o Jester Outfits em nenhum momento após falar com o rei, caso você retire, também vai morrer.

Vá até o rei Talantes, à esquerda do castelo de teleports.

Player: Jester

King Talantes: Hics! So you're the jester of today's show, right? You can start your show! What are you going to do?

Player: Joke

King Talantes: Haha! That was so funny! What’s your next stunt?

Player: Backflip

King Talantes: Wow! You jump high, huh? What will you do now? Hics!

Player: Sing

King Talantes: Hics! Such a great song, the violent ones of the war period are the best! What are you going to do now?

Player: Dance

King Talantes: Great dancer you are. What will you do now?

Player: Dirty joke

King Talantes: Hics! My God, I've never laughed so much in my life, your jokes were on acid, thanks for the show! Do you wish to speak with me? Hics!

Se você está vivo, quer dizer que acertou o diálogo. Você fez o melhor show da vida do rei e agora ele está bêbado e alegre, você pode perguntar a ele sobre os ideais de Gallien.

Player: Gallien's ideals

King Talantes: Hics! Your show was the best I've ever seen! I think it's okay for me to talk to you a little. That man's ideals are no longer useful to the kingdom. Now we need other useful {ideals} for Aurath.

Player: Ideals

King Talantes: My ideals, of course! Strength over wisdom, revenge over honor and money over alliances. We must not lean on dead men, but on those who live. I'm powerful today, but if my plan in motion works, I could be the most powerful being in history. It's all about power. Hics! With strength, I can crush my enemies. With vengeance, I will be above justice. And with money, I can buy the power I lack. If you're smart, you'll be on my {side} when that happens.

Player: Side

King Talantes: Staying on the "right" side? What does that mean? Nothing but illusions of the weak. That's why my ideals are practical. If I were you, I would not bother me anymore. Your show was good, but your conversation was not. Goodbye.

Volte para Glóin e diga como o rei mostrou sua verdadeira face maligna por trás de seus ideais para você.

Player: King's ideals

Glóin: I'm in shock buddy. I no longer believe the king wants the good of the people of the kingdom. He’s just blindly seeking power, I wonder what his plan in action is. After all, it doesn’t seem like Aurath has done anything in years. We need to make an army of those who believe in Gallien’s ideals and a better realm. Only then can we return Aurath to its former glory. Starting with you, here is a piece of very strong, virtually unbreakable armor. Also, now I trust you a lot, so I'm going to share a secret. Our kingdom needs to rise again and some friends are already with us on this one. But you need to be worthy. Search in the daily dungeon library for the password to find a friend of mine in a safe place. Then you’ll start our kingdom's resurrection. See you around my friend.

Glóin lhe dá a sua recompensa final, o item de craft da armadura inicial de sua vocação. Além disso, agora Glóin confia em você e pode ajudar você em mais algo, mas você precisa querer lutar contra os ideais venenosos do rei Talantes.

Ele lhe diz que na biblioteca da Daily Dungeon tem uma senha para encontrar um amigo dele, em um local ainda desconhecido. Esse é o início da Rising Kingdom.

Last updated